a family church
We believe in walking with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. When we stumble, we get up and walk on. We are never alone.Sunday | 10am
lost saved – people healed – lives transformed – families thriving
Wednesday night worship + prayer
First wednesday of every month
6:30-7:30pm – in sanctuary
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Visit our resource page by clicking the link below!
Looking for handouts and other resources?
visit our media page and resource page, by clicking the links below, to find available resources!
We journey together
Join a group + gain a family
Reaching One Million Souls for Jesus

We believe in seeing the lost saved, lives transformed, the sick healed, and families thriving.
We believe we are called to reach one million souls in the Erie area for Jesus!
Click below to read more about what we believe, and what we stand for as a church.
our leadership staff

Pastors Jason and Liz Ackerman
Senior Pastors

Pastor Andy Muscella
Associate Pastor

Sydney Moore
Worship Leader