We are here to serve

Our Leadership Staff

Pastors Jason and Liz Ackerman

Senior Pastors and Elders

Jason and Liz Ackerman moved to Erie in 1999 as newlyweds. They visited Erie Christian Fellowship Church, and quickly became connected into the church family.  They began growing their own family while Jason embarked on a successful career with GE. They began to sense early on that God was calling them to big things – big decisions, big family, big faith, big adventure. And so in 2010, following the call of God, they sold their big home and many of their belongings, moved their ever-growing family of 6 into a mobile home, and began to volunteer at the church. “We are always committed to following the leading of the Lord, wherever He takes us, together”.

Jason graduated from Life Christian University and began to run Decision Youth Ministry as Pastor Jason. His role expanded to Associate Pastor as he grew and learned under the leadership of Pastor Dumont.  In 2015, the Lord again called Jason and Liz in an unexpected direction – back into business. Jason remained Associate Pastor at ECFC, but also accepted a position as Chief Operating Officer and eventually Chief Financial Officer at a Meadville manufacturing company.  Now the family of 9 embarked on a new adventure. As they pulled out of the day-to-day operations at the church, the Lord impressed upon them that the call would come in 3-5 years, “Prepare”. Almost 4 years to the day, Jason and Liz Ackerman were announced as the next Senior Pastors of ECFC. As they responded to the call, now with 8 beautiful children, they knew that their early years were all preparation and training for this time.  Walking by faith, hearing and obeying the Holy Spirit, trusting in the unfailing love of the Lord, and walking in unity are the foundations upon which their lives are built.

Jason and Liz love being together most. Worshiping together, leading together, and growing together. Their hobbies are…..well they have no hobbies. With eight talented and busy children, sleeping, eating, and prayer are their only hobbies.

There has never been a dull moment in all their years together. As they enter into this new season of “Provision and Harvest”, they are excited for all that God has planned.

Pastor Andy Muscella

Associate Pastor and Elder

Andy Muscella was born in New Jersey and grew up in Erie, Pennsylvania. Shortly before graduating high school he began attending ECF Church and became involved in the youth ministry. In 2002 he attended Rhema Bible Training Center and graduated from their foreign missions program in 2004. Upon completion of his degree, he moved back to Erie, returned to ECF and served again in youth ministry. After two years, he stepped into the role of youth pastor.

After four years as youth pastor for ECF, God called Andy into a new faith adventure. Thinking foreign missions was the next move, Andy answered the call of God when he heard, “It’s time to go.” But instead of being sent to another country, God sent Andy to another state to help plant a church. In July 2009 moved to New Jersey with no job and only enough money to cover his rent for two months. God, however, never fails to provide!  While living and pastoring in New Jersey, God provided everything Andy needed. He served on staff as an associate pastor at Family Life Church, overseeing the set up and tear down team (meeting in a middle school), the worship team, and the children’s ministry. The church grew from around 40 people to 200 people over the next 5 years.

In 2015, the Lord called Andy back to Erie, and he quickly found out the reason why. The Lord perfectly placed Andy in a position to care for his grandfather and his mother through the final years of their lives. He became a primary care giver for his family while also getting involved in ministry again. After six years, his grandpa (age 88) and mother (age 59) passed away from old age and cancer, respectively. His heart has been greatly changed by this experience, both in strengthening his faith and increasing his compassion. He has come to a deep understanding of the needs of families as they walk through the valley of the shadow of death. He learned how the Father cares for the hearts of His children, and how to rest in the Father’s love in all ways.

Andy’s heart beats for families, for the church, and for the Kingdom of God. He desires to see believers grow and thrive in both their own families and within the church family. His desire is that all would know the faithfulness of Jesus – that no matter what comes along, Jesus will never leave us or forsake us.

Along with spending time with Jesus, family, and friends, Andy loves art and drawing, playing guitar, singing, beatboxing, and eating dessert.

Sydney Moore

Worship Leader

Sydney grew up in Jamestown, NY with her family until she started attending Edinboro University in 2016 for a degree in Fine Arts with a concentration in Painting. While at Edinboro, she worked with Chi Alpha Campus Ministries as a student leader and their worship leader. During that time, she led worship in Jamestown as well as Erie First Assembly. Through experience and growing responsibility, she discovered the call to lead people into intimacy with God. To further her abilities and knowledge she attended Bethel Church’s two week worship school in Redding, California, in 2018. Here she learned the importance of Biblical worship, and seeking to minister to God’s heart first and foremost. While a student leader at Chi Alpha, she observed the effect of true, Godly, relationships and how God is glorified through them. God has continued to reveal the high importance of family in the Kingdom of Heaven.

As a senior in college, with a degree in painting, she was faced with the choice of pursuing her art career or pursuing ministry. She decided to seek the voice of God wherever that might lead. By God working through several people and divine timing, she found Erie Christian Fellowship. She is excited about leading ECF into greater intimacy with the Father, and the effects of drawing near to Him.

Sydney still enjoys drawing and painting along with writing original songs. Whether it’s a paint brush or pen and paper, her plea is always- ​not my will, but Yours be done​.

She believes in physically expressing one’s adoration to the King of Kings, and has seen first hand the freedom that comes with sacrificial, unadulterated, vulnerable worship.
Her prayer for Erie Christian Fellowship is, “God- move, and take us with You.”


Pastor Jim and Pam Dumont

Founding Pastors

Fresh out of Bible school and with a heavenly mandate, Jim and Pam moved to Erie, PA in June 1981. Having never visited the city, their sojourn began by living 10 weeks in a tent on Walnut Creek with their four-year-old son.  God had said, “Move to Erie, become established and build a great church.” No obstacle was impossible to overcome!

Making Erie their permanent home, they helped establish three churches in Northwest, PA and faithfully pastored Erie Christian Fellowship for 30 years. Their vision, which continues under the capable leadership of Jason and Liz Ackerman, is to honor the Lord Jesus Christ and to build strong believers rooted in the Word and guided by the Spirit.

Jim and Pam continue to minister as District Directors of Rhema Ministerial Alumni Association. In September 2018, Jim experienced a miraculous recovery from a “widow maker” heart attack and 6-day coma. After prayer, Jim was miraculously restored to the joy of his family and astonishment of a caring medical team. Consequently, Jim has written “Let’s Pray”, a book that chronicles God’s guidance and answers to prayer in their life.

Jim and Pam have one son, Dr. Justin Dumont (married to Dr. Anna Dumont) and 4 incredible grandchildren; Jazna, Coleben, Symeon and Kendru.


Pastors Jason and Liz Ackerman

Senior Pastors and Elders

Jason and Liz Ackerman moved to Erie in 1999 as newlyweds. They visited Erie Christian Fellowship Church, and quickly became connected into the church family. They began growing their own family while Jason embarked on a successful career with GE. They began to sense early on that God was calling them to big things – big decisions, big family, big faith, big adventure. And so in 2010, following the call of God, they sold their big home and many of their belongings, moved their ever-growing family of 6 into a mobile home, and began to volunteer at the church. “We are always committed to following the leading of the Lord, wherever He takes us, together”.

Jason graduated from Life Christian University and began to run Decision Youth Ministry as Pastor Jason. His role expanded to Associate Pastor as he grew and learned under the leadership of Pastor Dumont. In 2015, the Lord again called Jason and Liz in an unexpected direction – back into business. Jason remained Associate Pastor at ECFC, but also accepted a position as Chief Operating Officer and eventually Chief Financial Officer at a Meadville manufacturing company. Now the family of 9 embarked on a new adventure. As they pulled out of the day-to-day operations at the church, the Lord impressed upon them that the call would come in 3-5 years, “Prepare”. Almost 4 years to the day, Jason and Liz Ackerman were announced as the next Senior Pastors of ECFC. As they responded to the call, now with 8 beautiful children, they knew that their early years were all preparation and training for this time. Walking by faith, hearing and obeying the Holy Spirit, trusting in the unfailing love of the Lord, and walking in unity are the foundations upon which their lives are built.

Jason and Liz love being together most. Worshiping together, leading together, and growing together. Their hobbies are…..well they have no hobbies. With eight talented and busy children, sleeping, eating, and prayer are their only hobbies.

There has never been a dull moment in all their years together. As they enter into this new season of “Provision and Harvest”, they are excited for all that God has planned.


Pastor Andy Muscella

Associate Pastor and Elder

Andy Muscella was born in New Jersey and grew up in Erie, Pennsylvania. Shortly before graduating high school he began attending ECF Church and became involved in the youth ministry. In 2002 he attended Rhema Bible Training Center and graduated from their foreign missions program in 2004. Upon completion of his degree, he moved back to Erie, returned to ECF and served again in youth ministry. After two years, he stepped into the role of youth pastor.

After four years as youth pastor for ECF, God called Andy into a new faith adventure. Thinking foreign missions was the next move, Andy answered the call of God when he heard, “It’s time to go.” But instead of being sent to another country, God sent Andy to another state to help plant a church. In July 2009 moved to New Jersey with no job and only enough money to cover his rent for two months. God, however, never fails to provide! While living and pastoring in New Jersey, God provided everything Andy needed. He served on staff as an associate pastor at Family Life Church, overseeing the set up and tear down team (meeting in a middle school), the worship team, and the children’s ministry. The church grew from around 40 people to 200 people over the next 5 years.

In 2015, the Lord called Andy back to Erie, and he quickly found out the reason why. The Lord perfectly placed Andy in a position to care for his grandfather and his mother through the final years of their lives. He became a primary care giver for his family while also getting involved in ministry again. After six years, his grandpa (age 88) and mother (age 59) passed away from old age and cancer, respectively. His heart has been greatly changed by this experience, both in strengthening his faith and increasing his compassion. He has come to a deep understanding of the needs of families as they walk through the valley of the shadow of death. He learned how the Father cares for the hearts of His children, and how to rest in the Father’s love in all ways.

Andy’s heart beats for families, for the church, and for the Kingdom of God. He desires to see believers grow and thrive in both their own families and within the church family. His desire is that all would know the faithfulness of Jesus – that no matter what comes along, Jesus will never leave us or forsake us.

Along with spending time with Jesus, family, and friends, Andy loves art and drawing, playing guitar, singing, beatboxing, and eating dessert.

Sydney Moore

Worship Leader

Sydney grew up in Jamestown, NY with her family until she started attending Edinboro University in 2016 for a degree in Fine Arts with a concentration in Painting. While at Edinboro, she worked with Chi Alpha Campus Ministries as a student leader and their worship leader. During that time, she led worship in Jamestown as well as Erie First Assembly. Through experience and growing responsibility, she discovered the call to lead people into intimacy with God. To further her abilities and knowledge she attended Bethel Church’s two week worship school in Redding, California, in 2018. Here she learned the importance of Biblical worship, and seeking to minister to God’s heart first and foremost. While a student leader at Chi Alpha, she observed the effect of true, Godly, relationships and how God is glorified through them. God has continued to reveal the high importance of family in the Kingdom of Heaven.

As a senior in college, with a degree in painting, she was faced with the choice of pursuing her art career or pursuing ministry. She decided to seek the voice of God wherever that might lead. By God working through several people and divine timing, she found Erie Christian Fellowship. She is excited about leading ECF into greater intimacy with the Father, and the effects of drawing near to Him.

Sydney still enjoys drawing and painting along with writing original songs. Whether it’s a paint brush or pen and paper, her plea is always- ​not my will, but Yours be done​.

She believes in physically expressing one’s adoration to the King of Kings, and has seen first hand the freedom that comes with sacrificial, unadulterated, vulnerable worship.
Her prayer for Erie Christian Fellowship is, “God- move, and take us with You.”



pastors jim and pam dumont

Founding Pastors

Fresh out of Bible school and with a heavenly mandate, Jim and Pam moved to Erie, PA in June 1981. Having never visited the city, their sojourn began by living 10 weeks in a tent on Walnut Creek with their four-year-old son.  God had said, “Move to Erie, become established and build a great church.” No obstacle was impossible to overcome!

Making Erie their permanent home, they helped establish three churches in Northwest, PA and faithfully pastored Erie Christian Fellowship for 30 years. Their vision, which continues under the capable leadership of Jason and Liz Ackerman, is to honor the Lord Jesus Christ and to build strong believers rooted in the Word and guided by the Spirit.

Jim and Pam continue to minister as District Directors of Rhema Ministerial Alumni Association. In September 2018, Jim experienced a miraculous recovery from a “widow maker” heart attack and 6-day coma. After prayer, Jim was miraculously restored to the joy of his family and astonishment of a caring medical team. Consequently, Jim wrote “Let’s Pray”, a book that chronicles God’s guidance and answers to prayer in their life.

Jim and Pam have one son, Dr. Justin Dumont (married to Dr. Anna Dumont) and 4 incredible grandchildren; Jazna, Coleben, Symeon and Kendru. 

Pastors Jason and Liz Ackerman

Senior Pastors and Elders

Jason and Liz Ackerman moved to Erie in 1999 as newlyweds. They visited Erie Christian Fellowship Church, and quickly became connected into the church family.  They began growing their own family while Jason embarked on a successful career with GE. They began to sense early on that God was calling them to big things – big decisions, big family, big faith, big adventure. And so in 2010, following the call of God, they sold their big home and many of their belongings, moved their ever-growing family of 6 into a mobile home, and began to volunteer at the church. “We are always committed to following the leading of the Lord, wherever He takes us, together”.

Jason graduated from Life Christian University and began to run Decision Youth Ministry as Pastor Jason. His role expanded to Associate Pastor as he grew and learned under the leadership of Pastor Dumont. In 2015, the Lord again called Jason and Liz in an unexpected direction – back into business. Jason remained Associate Pastor at ECFC, but also accepted a position as Chief Operating Officer and eventually Chief Financial Officer at a Meadville manufacturing company. Now the family of 9 embarked on a new adventure. As they pulled out of the day-to-day operations at the church, the Lord impressed upon them that the call would come in 3-5 years, “Prepare”. Almost 4 years to the day, Jason and Liz Ackerman were announced as the next Senior Pastors of ECFC. As they responded to the call, now with 8 beautiful children, they knew that their early years were all preparation and training for this time. Walking by faith, hearing and obeying the Holy Spirit, trusting in the unfailing love of the Lord, and walking in unity are the foundations upon which their lives are built.

Jason and Liz love being together most.  Worshiping together, leading together, and growing together. Their hobbies are…..well they have no hobbies. With eight talented and busy children, sleeping, eating, and prayer are their only hobbies.

There has never been a dull moment in all their years together. As they enter into this new season of “Provision and Harvest”, they are excited for all that God has planned.


Pastor Andy Muscella

Associate Pastor and Elder

Andy Muscella was born in New Jersey and grew up in Erie, Pennsylvania.  Shortly before graduating high school he began attending ECF Church and became involved in the youth ministry. In 2002 he attended Rhema Bible Training Center and graduated from their foreign missions program in 2004. Upon completion of his degree, he moved back to Erie, returned to ECF and served again in youth ministry. After two years, he stepped into the role of youth pastor.

After four years as youth pastor for ECF, God called Andy into a new faith adventure. Thinking foreign missions was the next move, Andy answered the call of God when he heard, “It’s time to go.” But instead of being sent to another country, God sent Andy to another state to help plant a church. In July 2009 moved to New Jersey with no job and only enough money to cover his rent for two months. God, however, never fails to provide! While living and pastoring in New Jersey, God provided everything Andy needed. He served on staff as an associate pastor at Family Life Church, overseeing the set up and tear down team (meeting in a middle school), the worship team, and the children’s ministry. The church grew from around 40 people to 200 people over the next 5 years.

In 2015, the Lord called Andy back to Erie, and he quickly found out the reason why. The Lord perfectly placed Andy in a position to care for his grandfather and his mother through the final years of their lives. He became a primary care giver for his family while also getting involved in ministry again. After six years, his grandpa (age 88) and mother (age 59) passed away from old age and cancer, respectively. His heart has been greatly changed by this experience, both in strengthening his faith and increasing his compassion. He has come to a deep understanding of the needs of families as they walk through the valley of the shadow of death. He learned how the Father cares for the hearts of His children, and how to rest in the Father’s love in all ways.

Andy’s heart beats for families, for the church, and for the Kingdom of God. He desires to see believers grow and thrive in both their own families and within the church family. His desire is that all would know the faithfulness of Jesus – that no matter what comes along, Jesus will never leave us or forsake us.

Along with spending time with Jesus, family, and friends, Andy loves art and drawing, playing guitar, singing, beatboxing, and eating dessert.

Sydney Moore

Worship Leader

Sydney grew up in Jamestown, NY with her family until she started attending Edinboro University in 2016 for a degree in Fine Arts with a concentration in Painting. While at Edinboro, she worked with Chi Alpha Campus Ministries as a student leader and their worship leader. During that time, she led worship in Jamestown as well as Erie First Assembly. Through experience and growing responsibility, she discovered the call to lead people into intimacy with God. To further her abilities and knowledge she attended Bethel Church’s two week worship school in Redding, California, in 2018. Here she learned the importance of Biblical worship, and seeking to minister to God’s heart first and foremost. While a student leader at Chi Alpha, she observed the effect of true, Godly, relationships and how God is glorified through them. God has continued to reveal the high importance of family in the Kingdom of Heaven.

As a senior in college, with a degree in painting, she was faced with the choice of pursuing her art career or pursuing ministry. She decided to seek the voice of God wherever that might lead. By God working through several people and divine timing, she found Erie Christian Fellowship. She is excited about leading ECF into greater intimacy with the Father, and the effects of drawing near to Him.

Sydney still enjoys drawing and painting along with writing original songs. Whether it’s a paint brush or pen and paper, her plea is always- ​not my will, but Yours be done​.

She believes in physically expressing one’s adoration to the King of Kings, and has seen first hand the freedom that comes with sacrificial, unadulterated, vulnerable worship.
Her prayer for Erie Christian Fellowship is, “God- move, and take us with You.”



pastors jim and pam dumont

Founding Pastors

Fresh out of Bible school and with a heavenly mandate, Jim and Pam moved to Erie, PA in June 1981. Having never visited the city, their sojourn began by living 10 weeks in a tent on Walnut Creek with their four-year-old son.  God had said, “Move to Erie, become established and build a great church.” No obstacle was impossible to overcome!

Making Erie their permanent home, they helped establish three churches in Northwest, PA and faithfully pastored Erie Christian Fellowship for 30 years. Their vision, which continues under the capable leadership of Jason and Liz Ackerman, is to honor the Lord Jesus Christ and to build strong believers rooted in the Word and guided by the Spirit.

Jim and Pam continue to minister as District Directors of Rhema Ministerial Alumni Association. In September 2018, Jim experienced a miraculous recovery from a “widow maker” heart attack and 6-day coma. After prayer, Jim was miraculously restored to the joy of his family and astonishment of a caring medical team. Consequently, Jim wrote “Let’s Pray”, a book that chronicles God’s guidance and answers to prayer in their life.

Jim and Pam have one son, Dr. Justin Dumont (married to Dr. Anna Dumont) and 4 incredible grandchildren; Jazna, Coleben, Symeon and Kendru.



Sundays  |    10  am – 12

Sundays  |    10  am – 12