together is our favorite word
join a group - gain a familylife Groups
email for more information and location details
We believe that living with a core group of believers will change your life. There is freedom when you can go through the valleys and on top of the mountains with close friends. Life Groups exist for this purpose. To grow and to see God’s glory; together.

Luciano life group
3rd Sunday @ 6:30 pm
Meets in the Church Sanctuary
Open to anyone

young adult life group
2nd & 4th Tuesday @ 6:00 pm
Meets in the Rose Center or Family Room
Open to Young Adults age 18-28
email for info

spirited sisters
Last Saturday of the month @ 2:00 pm
Contact church for location
Widowed Women only

women to women
2nd and 4th Wednesday evenings
Contact church for location details
Women only

men to men
1st and 3rd Saturday @ 8:00 am
Meets in the Rose Center
Men only