We are here to serve.
Everyone has a story.
This is ours.
Pastors Jason + Liz Ackerman
Senior Pastors
Jason and Liz Ackerman moved to Erie in 1999 as newlyweds. They visited Erie Christian Fellowship Church, and quickly became connected into the church family. They began growing their own family while Jason embarked on a successful career with GE. They began to sense early on that God was calling them to big things – big decisions, big family, big faith, big adventure. And so in 2010, following the call of God, they sold their big home and many of their belongings, moved their ever-growing family of 6 into a mobile home, and began to volunteer at the church. “We are always committed to following the leading of the Lord, wherever He takes us, together”.
Jason graduated from Life Christian University and began to run Decision Youth Ministry as Pastor Jason. His role expanded to Associate Pastor as he grew and learned under the leadership of Pastor Dumont. In 2015, the Lord again called Jason and Liz in an unexpected direction – back into business. Jason remained Associate Pastor at ECFC, but also accepted a position as Chief Operating Officer and eventually Chief Financial Officer at a Meadville manufacturing company. Now the family of 9 embarked on a new adventure. As they pulled out of the day-to-day operations at the church, the Lord impressed upon them that the call would come in 3-5 years, “Prepare”. Almost 4 years to the day, Jason and Liz Ackerman were announced as the next Senior Pastors of ECFC. As they responded to the call, now with 8 beautiful children, they knew that their early years were all preparation and training for this time. Walking by faith, hearing and obeying the Holy Spirit, trusting in the unfailing love of the Lord, and walking in unity are the foundations upon which their lives are built.
Jason and Liz love being together most. Worshiping together, leading together, and growing together. Their hobbies are…..well they have no hobbies. With eight talented and busy children, sleeping, eating, and prayer are their only hobbies.
There has never been a dull moment in all their years together. As they enter into this new season of “Provision and Harvest”, they are excited for all that God has planned. .