We believe in walking; walking with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. When we stumble, we get up and walk on.
We never walk alone.
We are meeting in person this Sunday 10 am and streaming on Facebook Live
We are meeting in person this Sunday 10 am and streaming on Facebook Live
Why Gather?
We are gathering regularly as a church family again beginning on Sunday 5/17 at 10am because there must be spiritual, emotional, and mental respite in God’s presence for the people of God who need to gather and choose to gather at this time.
Who Should Stay Home?
If you are sick, immunocompromised, elderly, have risk factors, or are anxious about the risk of infection, we encourage you to STAY HOME!
Our Facebook Live service is perfect for you!
Is It Safe?
We have a HUGE facility and campus. We are well able to host services maintaining social distancing by honoring the state recommended occupancy limits. If you attend services and choose to follow ALL the precautions put in place, it is likely that you could have less exposure than a trip to the grocery store.
We will make your kids a priority.
We believe that God has a plan, purpose and calling for every life.
In our uniqueness, we glorify Him.
We journey together.
Join a group + gain a family.
New Series: In the Last Days
New Series:
In the Last Days
click link below to download timeline and key
click link below to download timeline and key
link for pdf
link for pdf

Our Leadership Staff

Pastors Jason + Liz Ackerman
Senior Pastors

Sydney Moore
Worship Leader

Pastors Jim & Pam Dumont
Founding Pastors