A Peek Inside
Each service is unique as we seek to host the presence of God. We come each week ready and expecting God to move in powerful ways.
What is your church like?
We worship with passion and freedom. We give people grace + space to have peace in the process and to grow with God. We seek to put the Word into action. We want to walk the walk together. Above all else, we seek to love.
Where will my kids be?
Nursery is open for parents of babies 0-3 years old
Children in
K – 6th grade will worship together with their families in the sanctuary. After worship, parents and kids can head to Kid Corner to get a sermon bag full of activities to help kids enjoy the teaching.
Why is there a short sermon on giving?
We believe giving is never about obligation. It’s about honor. We honor God by partnering with other ministries and sowing generously with our time, talents, resources, and money.
A few things we can do to help make your Sunday morning a little easier:
Meet you at the front door
(We promise we won’t hug you… unless you’re a hugger)
Help you get your kids checked in
Grab you a cup of coffee
Show you around a bit
Help you find the perfect seat